Sticky Notes App

Sticky notes e is a simple notes webapp , inspired by OSx notes app layout. It's meant to be used for the hiring process evaluation.

Build With


The project is running on docker so only docker need to be installed.

install docker separately see details here Docker Installation

If you want to run in development mode then:

cd stikcy-notes-typescript

npm install
npm start

npm install is prerequisite for testing too.

Docker build and run

To run the current project install the prerequisites inside project's directory. I have used multi-stage build in Docker, in order to optimize the size of the built image. As you will see in the Dockerfile, an initial node-based phase is utilized only for building the static assets, which are then copied over and served from a stripped-down nginx image. In order to run the project please run:

cd stikcy-notes-typescript

docker build . -t stikcy-notes-typescript
docker run -p 80:80 stikcy-notes-typescript

Note for docker: Open localhost (without a port).

Features implemented

  • Search field with on change search action
  • If search results are null disable the editor
  • If user deletes the currently selected note it will automatically select the next from the top of the list
  • Delete notes from list easily with one click
  • Delete notes from filtered list after search action
  • Create note
  • Notes that are being edit will be automatically saved on the fly
  • Notes will be persisted in localStorage of user's browser
  • Markdown parser implemented with React Markdown
  • Project has been Dockerized

Note for Markdown functionality: Markdown will only show a readonly version of the note as a preview (see Github's README functionality)

Components Tree (Inside src directory)

├── __tests__
│   └── components
│       ├── Header.test.tsx
│       ├── NoteContainer.test.tsx
│       ├── NoteEditor.test.tsx
│       └── NotesList.test.tsx
│   └── containers
│       └── NotesApp.test.tsx
│   └── utils.test.ts
├── components
│   └── components
│       └── Header.tsx
│       ├── NoNoteSelected.tsx
│       ├── NoteContainer.tsx
│       ├── NoteEditor.tsx
│       └── NoteList.tsx
└── containers
│    └── NotesApp.tsx
└── styles
│    ├── header.tsx
│    ├── noteeditor.tsx
│    └── noteslist.tsx
├── App.scss
├── App.test.tsx
├── App.tsx
├── history.ts
├── index.tsx
├── Routes.tsx
├── setupTests.ts
├── theme.tsx
├── types.ts
└── utils.ts

Testing build with


For testing i have used jest framework together with enzyme to render components. To run the test type:

npm test

To run test with coverage run:

npm test -- --coverage


  • Stefanos Athanasoulias

User activity diagram

Image can be found at (/public/images/activity_diagram.png)

activity diagram