
Simple library, that adds possibility of caching to Kotlin's lazy.


For example, imagine we have some resource-intensive operation:

import lazyCached

 * Represents some operation, that requires a lot of time to execute with caching and lazy invocation.
 * On calling [result] it just forces thread to sleep for [sleepTime] milliseconds.
 * On changing [sleepTime] next [result] call should recalculate again.
 * @param startingSleepTime time in milliseconds for thread sleep.
class SimpleCachedResourceIntensiveOperation(startingSleepTime: Long) {

     * Flag for caching
    private var cached = false
     * Time in milliseconds for thread to sleep
     * Not final!
    public var sleepTime = startingSleepTime
        set(value) {
            field = value
            cached = false

     * Forces thread to sleep if [cached] is False.
     * Then sets [cached] flag to true and returns [sleepTime].
     * Else, just returns cached [sleepTime].
    public val result: Number by lazyCached(
                cached = true
            { !cached }


In this case, on changing sleepTime it is required to recalculate result, but it is better to do it in a lazy way.

This problem is solved with lazyCached.

  • First argument of lazyCached delegate is same as for lazy.
  • Second argument is some condition, that returns True or False, where True forces first argument to be revoked again.
  • Third argument is same lock as for lazy.

More examples


Get into Gradle

Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

Add the dependency

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.sikrinick:lazy-cached:v1.0.0'

Get into Maven


Add the dependency
