- Latexmk
You probably have it already installed on your computer, because it is part of MacTeX and MikTeX and is bundled with many Linux Distributions. For macOS with brew I suggest
brew install --cask mactex
- Python 3
Required to run build.py script
# or
latexmk -xelatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -outdir=output/pdf "master_thesis.tex"
supports PDF-to-DOCX conversion via GroupDocs Cloud.
However, you have to register in GroupDocs Cloud.
There you can create an application with internal storage and obtain Client Id
and Client Secret
Then, specify next environmental variables in your ~/.bashrc
or ~/.zshrc
export GROUPDOCS_CLIENT_ID="your client id"
export GROUPDOCS_CLIENT_SECRET="your client secret"
For manual convertion I strongly suggest to use GroupDocs PDF to DOCX Converter. Another option is to use Adobe PDF to Word Converter.
As an editor I strongly suggest Visual Studio Code.
List of required extensions are in .vscode/extensions.json
I used aspell
for spell checks in terminal.
# install aspell
brew install aspell
# run spellcheck script