A Clojure library to handle validation of JWTs and signing claims using JSON Web Keys.
com.github.sikt-no/clj-jwt {:git/tag "0.5.98" :git/sha "33374d6"}
; or:
com.github.sikt-no/clj-jwt {:mvn/version "0.5.98"}
clj-jwt wraps some of Buddy's functions for validating JWTs and signing claims. It uses a JWKS endpoint to fetch the public or private key to use for validation or signing respectively. By using this library you can abstract away key handling as the library will automatically fetch new keys as the JWK server issues new keys.
You can use the unsign
function which wraps buddy-sign's own unsign function:
(require '[com.github.sikt-no.clj-jwt :as clj-jwt])
(clj-jwt/unsign "https://sso-stage.nsd.no/.well-known/jwks.json" "<your-token-here>")
Or you can use the resolve-public-key
function with the jws backend from
(require '[buddy.auth.backends :as backends])
(require '[com.github.sikt-no.clj-jwt :as clj-jwt])
(def auth-backend
(backends/jws {:secret (partial clj-jwt/resolve-public-key "https://sso-stage.nsd.no/.well-known/jwks.json")
:token-name "Bearer"
:authfn (fn [claims] claims)
:on-error (fn [request err] nil)
:options {:alg :rs256}}))
You can sign your own tokens if your JSON web token contains a private key component.
The sign
function expects a jwks URL/path, a key id, the claims to sign, and optionally options to the buddy sign function.
(require '[com.github.sikt-no.clj-jwt :as clj-jwt])
(clj-jwt/sign "my-local-jwks.json" "my-jwk-kid" {:sub "some-user"})
Ensure you have Clojure installed.
Then clone project and run Clojure Tools Deps targets. If you have rlwrap
installed you can use the clj
command in place of clojure
Refer to your editors documentation about how to connect or start a repl integrated with the editor.
# Run a development clojure repl
clojure -Adev
# Run regular old Clojure tests
clojure -X:test
# Exercise clojure specs
clojure -X:propertytest
You can simply refer to your clj-jwt project in
the other clojure project's deps.edn
{clj-jwt {:local/root "/path/to/clj-jwt"}}}
Go to https://github.com/sikt-no/clj-jwt/actions/workflows/release.yml
and press Run workflow
RFC 7519 - JSON Web Token (JWT)
RFC 8725 - JSON Web Token Best Current Practices
Copyright © 2022 Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.