
This is demo of running gatling performance inside docker container as well as CI server like Jenkins

Primary LanguageShell

Gatling setup CI and Docker

This is repo running load test with gatling locally as well as inside docker containers. It does following things

  • Get Gatling Setup into your Jenkins WORKSPACE or local directory

  • Docker image and contaners with Gatling setup

  • Generate report in HTML.

  • Easy to use bash scripts plauggable with Jenkins or any othe CI server


Pre-requisite is to have JDK(Java) installed as scala being JVM based language.

Run Gatling Test Locally

  • Download/Checkout this project

         $ git clone https://github.com/Shashikant86/Docker-Gatling.git
  • Running Gatling Test locally (Works from Mac)

      sh gatling_local.sh

This script will download Gatling with version 2.2.5 and unzip the binary and run tests with our simulation.

At the end you will see link to HTML report. Open it into browser and enjoy !!

  • (Optional) Record your load test simulations and put your class in the 'user-files/simulations'. OR You can use the pre-recorded simulation for this demo as it is

Running Gatling Test Inside Docker Containers

Pre-defined Simulation

  • Download the pre-built Docker-Gatling image from DockerHub here

           $ docker pull shashikant86/docker-gatling
  • Run container using the downloaded images

         $ docker run -it -d --name docker-gatling-container shashikant86/docker-gatling 
  • Run default simulations inside the docker containers

         $ docker exec docker-gatling-container /opt/gatling/bin/gatling.sh -sf /opt/gatling/user-files/simulations/ -s computerdatabase.BasicSimulation -rf /opt/gatling/results/

This will execute default simulation.

Mount your own Simulation

  • Download the pre-built Docker-Gatling image from DockerHub here

           $ docker pull shashikant86/docker-gatling
  • Run container using the downloaded images with mounted simulation

    docker run -it -d --rm -v conf:/opt/gatling/conf \ -v user-files:/opt/gatling/user-files \ -v results:/opt/gatling/results \ --name docker-gatling-container shashikant86/docker-gatling


  • Running Gatling Test locally using the script

      sh docker_local.sh

This will download docker image and start container.

Run Gatling Test on Jenkins

  • Record your load test simulations and put your class in the 'user-files/simulations'. OR You can use the pre-recorded simulation for this demo

  • Run gatling-jenkins.sh as part of execute shell script