Assistance and Access Bill 2018 FAQ for Australian IT workers

Assistance and Access Bill 2018 FAQ for Australian IT workers

This repo will try and collate questions and answers on the new Assistance and Access Bill 2018 for anyone working in the IT industry within Australia.

See this tweet for more info:


Asking Questions

Let me emphasise that there are no stupid questions, just stupid policy.

Feel free to ask questions by pull request, or leave a comment here:


And if you're uncomfortable asking a question publicly, feel free to email me at (alfie@alfie.wtf), Signal (+61 400 777 227), or Twitter DM (@alfiedotwtf).

My PGP key is included in this repo.


  • Dump below all the questions from the last few of days from various sources

  • Group them into categories

  • Then merge/sort/filter

  • Send them to lawyers

  • Tidy up document and find a place to host it


  • Is a 'warrant canary' considered "technical assistance notice information" under s. 317B?

  • Is leaving a warrant canary up after a TCN is issued a "making a false or misleading statement" or "engaging in dishonest conduct." under paragraph 2 of s. 317E? Does this mean a designated communications provider cannot be ordered to take down or leave up a warrant canary as per s. 317C? If so, how does this not contradict s. 317ZF?

  • Are any of the following "carriage service provider"s under the Telecommunications Act 1997? (This has ramifications under s. 317C)

    • Tor node operators
    • Operators of servers used for online communication (eg: IRC, SIP, Jabber, Tox etc)
  • Is software considered a "...part of the infrastructure of a telecommunications network" as per "facility" in the Telecommunications Act 1997 s. 7? (This has ramifications under s. 317C)

  • What is the definition of "arranges for the supply" as per item 2 of s. 317C?

    • Would a transaction processing entity (Eg: PayPal, fiat cryptocurrency exchange) involved in the payment for listed carriage service be considered "arranging for the supply"?
    • Digital Distribution Platforms (Eg: Steam, Google, CleverBridge)
  • Are any the following considered a designated communications provider as per item 3 of s. 317C?

    • Vendor or consultant to the carriage service provider (subject to a TCN)
    • Service provider hosting a code repository (that is subject to TCN)
    • Catering service provider for a designated communication provider.
  • Are any the following considered a designated communications provider as per item 4 of s. 317C?

    • Person running a server instance used to facilitate communication (Eg: IRC server, Tor node, Tox node, SIP server)
    • Website owner or Administrator (Eg: Alfie John of alfie.wtf)
    • Cryptocurrency 'miner' participating on an online blockchain or another similar networked ledger technology.
    • An electronic service provider that has intentionally geo-blocked Australian users.
    • BitTorrent 'Leacher' or 'Seeder'
  • Are any the following considered a designated communications provider as per item 6 of s. 317C?

    • Unincorporated uncontracted volunteer open source developer (or anyone with commit privileges to a repo)
    • Unincorporated uncontracted volunteer who personally mirrors software available for download.
    • Unincorporated uncontracted volunteer who manages an open source project.
  • Are any building maintenance personnel (eg: HVAC, cleaning crew) of a facility considered a designated communications provider as per item 7 of s. 317C?

  • Are any the following considered a designated communications provider as per item 8 of s. 317C?

    • SoC (system-on-a-chip) manufacturers (eg: Qualcomm)
    • SIM/smartcard manufacturers (eg: Gemalto)
    • IC and microcontroller manufacturers (Eg: Texas Instruments, STMicroelectronics, Intel, fabs)
    • Distributors (Eg: RS Components)
    • PCB manufacturers.
  • Would the person 'setting up' an internet connection for a domestic premises (facility?) be considered a designated communications provider as per item 9 of s. 317C?

  • Are any the following considered a designated communications provider as per item 10 of s. 317C?

    • OEMs (eg: Dell)
    • Retailers (Eg: JB Hi-Fi)
    • Equipment Installers (Eg: support consultant, on-site technician)
  • Are any the following considered a designated communications provider as per item 11 of s. 317C?

    • SoC (system-on-a-chip) manufacturers (eg: Qualcomm)
    • SIM/smartcard manufacturers (Eg: Gemalto)
    • IC and microcontroller manufacturers (Eg: Texas Instruments, STMicroelectronics, Intel, fabs)
    • PCB manufacturers.
    • Distributors (Eg: RS Components)
  • Are any the following considered a designated communications provider as per item 12 of s. 317C?

    • Systems Administrators
    • Network Administrators
    • Certificate Authority/HSM Administrators or anyone else 'installing' a HSM (Hardware Security Module)
    • DNSSEC Administrators?
    • Individual person of OEM that is ultimately provisioning company image onto OEM system (Eg: Dell technician preinstalling a company image before shipping to said company)
  • Are any the following considered a designated communications provider as per item 13 of s. 317C?

    • An end-user, or person assisting end-user, powering on a mobile phone device (This would have major ramifications)
  • Are any the following considered a designated communications provider as per item 14 of s. 317C?

    • Hard disk manufacturers (Eg: Seagate, WD)
    • Flash memory manufacturers (Eg: SanDisk)
    • SIM/smart card manufacturers (Eg: Gemalto)
    • Optical media manufacturers (Eg: Verbatim)
    • Tape media manufacturers (Eg: Sony, Fujifilm)
  • Are any the following considered a designated communications provider as per item 15 of s. 317C?

    • Canonical (Producer of Ubuntu operating system fork)
    • RedHat (Sponsor of the Fedora Project, Producer of RedHat)
    • General Dynamics C4 Systems (seL4 microkernel project)
    • Linux package repository mirror provider (Eg: Debian apt repos, aarnet, Digital Pacific)
  • Who determines if a "carrier or provider is capable" as per paragraph 1 of s. 317ZA?

  • Is organising any opposition (protest, sit-in, boycott, promoting alternatives etc.) to this law, after the Bill has been assented, considered a contravention of paragraph 1 of s. 317ZA as per paragraph 2 of the same section?

  • Assuming a piece of software is already highly decentralised and anonymised so that particular persons cannot be identified, if a developer designs their software distribution system to ensure they have no control over the channels particular persons can update their software (Eg: BitTorrent, mirrors, or other broadcast-like technology unlike Google and their Play Store and Apple and their Appstore), would that be sufficient enough to ensure the software update process is no longer be utilised as an attack-vector against a particular person as ordered by a TCN?

  • Can employees or contractors be targeted directly to make changes or access systems without going through the company or organisation they work for?

  • If an employee or contractor is directly approach to make changes or access systems, are they allowed to tell their supervisors and any assisting staff in order to proceed

    • If not, what happens if they get caught
    • If not, how do they notify other staff to not remove the capability
    • What happens to the people who find changes or unapproved access
  • if an individual is directly approached to make changes or access systems of previous employers, what happens if they get caught

  • Does the forcing of individuals to modify code or access system go against the Constitution (e.g on just terms)

  • Does the bill apply to Australians based overseas

  • Do these notices and warrants apply to foreign visitors while traveling to Australia for vacation

  • Is it possible that a Notice can be supplied to Certificate Authorities to forged TLS certificates

  • Can Notices be issued to source code hosting companies such as BitBucket to serve modified code to targets

  • How does this work with companies that are SOX and SOC 2 compliant

  • What happens if the Notice or warrant is issued to a company who wants to comply but the employees refuse