

How to run

The summary.ipynb can be run independently in Colab.

Summary of results

Seq2Seq LSTM Seq2Seq GRU w/Attn Transformer
CE Train 2.19 1.81 3.28
CE Val 2.71 3.20 3.31
CE Test 2.84 3.25 3.287
Perplexity 17.116 25.774 26.751
BLEU 21.7 29.3 10.5
BLEU WMT14 0.13 0.21 2.8
Parameters 35M 20M 50M



eine gruppe von menschen steht vor einem iglu .
ein mann mit kariertem hut in einer schwarzen jacke und einer schwarz-weiß gestreiften hose spielt auf einer bühne mit einem sänger und einem weiteren gitarristen im hintergrund auf einer e-gitarre .


a group of people stands in front of an igloo .
a man in a black jacket and checkered hat wearing black and white striped pants plays an electric guitar on a stage with a singer and another guitar player in the background .


Seq2Seq LSTM:

a group of people standing in front of a <unk> booth .
a man in a black hat and black shirt plays a a with a a a a a a a a in a a in a background .

Seq2Seq GRU w/ Attn:

a group of people standing in front of a theater .
a man in a plaid hat , jacket and black striped striped striped striped striped shirt , playing a guitar with a guitar with a guitar with a guitar in a treadmill .


a group of people are standing in front of a large building .
a man in a white shirt and jeans is playing a guitar on a stage .