sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
To give a different configuration file
./main --cfg newconfig.json
If you do not use --cfg, default file path is ../config.json.
Check config.json for the sample config file.
Notice that in default config file "obstacles" key has value of "../test_data/obstacled/noobs". Since noobs should be an empty folder, pushing it into git was not possible. Create this folder by yourself if you have no obstacles.
Optimization results in a "res.json" file.
To install dependencies
sudo pip3 install shapely
sudo pip3 install descartes
Run visualization
python3 ../build/res.json
To save the images of each frame to images/ folder
python3 ../build/res.json save
Saving waits until frame number 300 (3 seconds). Until that time, zoom the simulation for better images.
Visualize bezier curves
python3 ../test_data/trajectories/head_to_head_trajs/curve1.csv
sudo apt install google-perftools
Follow instructions for visualizer at
LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/" CPUPROFILE=prof.out ./main
~/go/bin/pprof -web prof.out