
Linux is my primary OS. These are my configs.

Primary LanguageShell

My Dotfiles


A place to track my configuration files (dotfiles). They are personal and some of them are pretty segsy.

screenshot-07-12-23 Taken on 07-12-2023.

Packages installed on the system (Arch Linux) are tracked in committed files:

  • standard packages: ./.dotfiles-not-a-soy-dev/installed_packages/pacman_packages_list
  • AUR packages: ./.dotfiles-not-a-soy-dev/installed_packages/foreign_packages_list
  • packages to omit from these lists: ./.dotfiles-not-a-soy-dev/installed_packages/ignore_packages_list


To apply all dot files:

  1. Install yadm
  2. Run yadm clone <link-to-this-repo>
  3. Run yadm bootstrap

Display scripts

I've found its easiest to setup displays using a GUI, for example, arandr, rather than direct xrandr commands. After the display configuration is correct, it can be exported as a script and saved to .screenlayout/. .screenlayou/auto_display.sh finds which outputs are connected and calls the corresponding display script that was generated by the GUI. This script allows other programs, for example i3wm, to update the display configuration in a standard way. The script will take care of doing what is 'right'. The specific mappings and generated scripts will need to be modified on a per-machine basis.


pacwall generates a kick-ass wallpaper that is an annotated dependency graph of the currently installed system packages. It sets the wallpaper using a hook provided in its configuration. Entities wanting to update the wallpaper should call pacwall to ensure a single-source-of-truth for the wallpaper setting process.

On-startup programs

The window manager, i3wm, runs the "startup" programs because many display managers don't run the traditional x files. For example, lightdm doesn't run .xinitrc.