Application build with Vite, React, Typescript, ChakraUI.

Emergency Dispatch Simulator is a study-focused web app that mimics the functions of a real emergency dispatch system.

Project structure

  • components/: Contains all the React components needed for the application.

    • LoginPage.tsx: The login page for the app.
    • RegisterPage.tsx: The registration page for the app.
    • Dashboard.tsx: The main dashboard page where users can see and manage emergencies.
    • EmergencyList.tsx: A list of emergencies that can be displayed on the dashboard.
    • EmergencyItem.tsx: An individual emergency item that is part of the EmergencyList.
    • EmergencyForm.tsx: A form to add or edit emergency information.
    • NavBar.tsx: The navigation bar component for navigating between pages.
    • PrivateRoute.tsx: A higher-order component that restricts access to certain routes based on user authentication.

  • contexts/: Contains the React context providers for managing global state.
    • AuthContext.tsx: Provides user authentication state and related functions.
    • EmergencyContext.tsx: Provides emergency data state and related functions.

  • services/: Contains services to interact with external APIs or perform complex logic.
    • authService.ts: Handles user authentication, including login, registration, and token management.
    • emergencyService.ts: Handles fetching, creating, updating, and deleting emergency data.

  • types/: Contains TypeScript type definitions for the app's data models.
    • Emergency.ts: Defines the Emergency data model.
    • User.ts: Defines the User data model.

  • utils/: Contains utility functions and shared code.
    • api.ts: Configures a shared Axios instance for making API requests.