This is a browser game inspired by Minesweeper.
You are the person preparing for a game of Minesweeper by placing mines!
- Select a game level (8x15 or 16x30 or 16x30 with wormholes).
- Click on a cell to place a mine there.
- A digit in a cell indicates the number of mines that should be placed around the cell (including the cell itself).
⚠️ mark indicates there are too many mines around the cell.- When wormholes exist, a part of non-mine cells are hidden.
- The condition for winning is that all mines are placed in the correct positions.
If the query string parameter gesture=true
is provided, panning and pinch zoom gestures will be enabled.
The board size and the number of mines/wormholes can be customized by using the following query string parameters:
(between 16 and 64, default to 16)height
(between 16 and 64, default to 30)mines
(between 1 and 999, default to 99)wormholes
(between 0 and 999, default to 99)
For example, you can play with the maximum settings via the following URL: