
Convolutional Image Classification for the partial fulfillment on Deep Learning Course in Fusemachines AI Center.

Primary LanguagePython

Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Network

Conda Environment Setup

conda create --name <yourenvname> python=3.7.4
conda activate <yourenvname>

Conda will setup your gpu and install tensorflow-gpu and other packages

conda install --yes --file requirements.txt

kaggle package is not available in conda so you need to install it with pip, however conda env supports pip command

pip install kaggle==1.5.6


For serving with GPU set environment variable


Data Download

Note: Download your api keys (kaggle.json) from kaggle and paste it inside ~/.kaggle/

$ sh data_download.sh


Model Training

cd backend/src
python model.py

Note: Everytime you run model.py, it starts training from latest checkpoint. Only the latest model weights will be saved.

Monitor with tensorboard (optional)

$ tensorboard --logdir=temp


cd backend
python app.py


cd frontend
npm i && npm start

Model Architecture

Convolutional Layers

Input Input Size Kernel Stride Num Kernels Output Size
Image 150* 150 *3 9 * 9 * 3 3 64 48 *48 *64
Max Pool 48* 48 *64 2 * 2 2 -- 24 * 24 * 64
Conv 1 24 * 24 *64 5 * 5 * 64 1 32 20 * 20 *32
Max Pool 1 20* 20* 32 3 * 3 1 -- 18 * 18 * 32
Conv 2 18 * 18 * 32 3 * 3 * 32 1 16 16 * 16 * 16
Max Pool 2 16 * 16 *16 3 * 3 1 -- 14 * 14 * 16

Dense layers

Input Layer Input Shape Output Shape Output Layer
Max Pool 2 14 * 14 * 16 3136 Flatten
Flatten 3136 512 Dense 1
Dense 1 512 256 Dense 2
Dense 2 256 64 Dense 3
Dense 3 64 6 Final Output