
Class and application to make work with colours easier.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


"Colour" is an application and a class which generates a random colour in HEX, RGB and HSL. Moreover, the application also shows a complementary colour in all supported formats and select white or black based on colour brightness.


Colour has also own API which gives response in json. You can define your own colour colour.oculum.ink/api/532a33 or generate random colour.oculum.ink/api/random.

Response is an array:



You can choose between colour as an application or class which is located at ./modules/classes/.

Released versions are available at tags section.


Just copy it on FTP and visit domain where your clone of colour is located. Voila! A colourfull unicorn is running.


Copy it wherever you want. And then add to your file.


Then inicialize it like

$c = new OculumINK\Colour();
$color = $c->colour();

There are more functions for disposal.

  • rgbToHex($rgb) - convert RGB colour to HEX, parameter must be an array.
  • hexToRgb($hex) - HEX to RGB and returns RGB as an array.
  • hexToHsl($hex) - HEX to HSL and returns HSL as an array.
  • hslToRgb($hsl) - HSL to RGB which is returned as an array, also parameter must be an array.
  • colourBrightness($hex) - calculate colour brightness and returns float.
  • complementary($hsl) - calculate complementary colour, parameter must be an HSL array and returns also HSL array.
  • randomColour() - generates a random colour based on RGB and then returns array with HEX and HSL, RGB and HSL are arrays.
  • colour($myColour = null) - returns an array with given variable, HEX, RGB, HSL colours and complementary colour in HEX, RGB and HSL. Also contains error_code information and text colour.

Colour() response

Colour() response is an array with these columns.

'my_colour'  => given variable or app response code
'main_hex'   => main colour in HEX formate
'main_rgb'   => the same colour as HEX but RGB
'main_hsl'   => main colour formated as HSL
'main_text'  => text colour - white or black, based on brightness
'comp_hex'   => complementary colour converted to HEX
'comp_rgb'   => complementary colour in RGB
'comp_hsl'   => complementary colour in HSL
'comp_text'  => complementary text colour - white or black, based on brightness
'error_code' => application response error code

Response codes

Response codes and their translation can be found in ./modules/response_translation.php.

Error code has suffix E - C00E etc.

  • C00 - No variable is specified, default: empty
  • C01 - Given variable was HEX or RGB, default: empty
  • C02 - Given variable was word 'random', default: set
  • C03 - Given variable was not supported colour format, default: set

Folder structure

  • ./api - contains api functions
  • ./modules - application logic
  • ./modules/classes - colour class
  • ./layout - views
  • ./public - static parts of application


Colour is released under MIT license.