
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OmniSwitch config backup via ansible playbook

Ansible Role for backup AOS OmniSwitch config

ALE OmniSwitch config backup via ansible playbook

Supported platforms

  • Standalone
  • Stack
  • Virtual Chassis


  1. Login to OmniSwitch via Public Key Authentication (PKA)
Device Version Key Type Key Path Key Filename
R6 DSA /flash/network/pub/ {device_user}_dsa.pub
R7~ RSA or DSA /flash/system/ {device_user}_{rsa,dsa}.pub

AOS R7~8 need to use installsshkey command for the specified user

> installsshkey new_ssh_user /flash/system/new_ssh_user_rsa.pub
  1. Predefined ncftp bookmark

Role Variables


variable name default description
device_user admin AOS user account
device_port 22 AOS ssh port


variable name default description
ssh_option "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" bypass ssh host key
backup_local_path "{{ role_path }}/files" temp backup file path
backup_srv_path "/backup/network/{{ inventory_hostname }}/" backup server file path
backup_vc_filename "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d') }}_{{ inventory_hostname }}_vcboot.cfg" virtual chassis backup filename
backup_std_filename "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d') }}_{{ inventory_hostname }}_boot.cfg" backup filename

Example Inventory

Example of inventory file

AOSR6 ansible_host= ansible_os_family=std
AOSR8 ansible_host= ansible_os_family=vc


Example Playbook

- hosts: ale
  gather_facts: no
  connection: local
  tags: ale

    - ansible-role-backup-ale

Author Information

Sam Chen