
Javascript file and folder browser manager in AngularJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


File manager developed with AngularJS and Bootstrap by Jonas Sciangula Street

use in your project

1) install and use

  1. bower install --save angular-filemanager

  2. include the dependencies in your project:

    <script src="/bower_components/angular-translate/angular-translate.min.js"></script> <script src="/bower_components/angular-cookies/angular-cookies.min.js"></script> <script src="/bower_components/angular-filemanager/dist/angular-filemanager.min.js"></script> <script src="/bower_components/angular-filemanager/dist/cached-templates.js"></script>
  3. use the angular directive in your HTML:

2) configure

To configure the file manager you can simply add a config to your config.js:

  .config(function() {
    // ...

angular.module('FileManagerApp').constant("fileManagerConfig", {
  appName: "https://github.com/joni2back/angular-filemanager",
  defaultLang: "en",

  listUrl: "bridges/php/handler.php",
  uploadUrl: "bridges/php/handler.php",
  renameUrl: "bridges/php/handler.php",
  copyUrl: "bridges/php/handler.php",
  removeUrl: "bridges/php/handler.php",
  editUrl: "bridges/php/handler.php",
  getContentUrl: "bridges/php/handler.php",
  createFolderUrl: "bridges/php/handler.php",
  downloadFileUrl: "bridges/php/handler.php",
  compressUrl: "bridges/php/handler.php",
  extractUrl: "bridges/php/handler.php",
  permissionsUrl: "bridges/php/handler.php",
  allowedActions: {
     rename: true,
     copy: true,
     edit: true,
     changePermissions: true,
     compress: true,
     extract: true,
     download: true,
     preview: true,
     delete: true
  enablePermissionsRecursive: true,

  isEditableFilePattern: '\\.(txt|html|htm|aspx|asp|ini|pl|py|md|php|css|js|log|htaccess|htpasswd|json|sql|xml|xslt|sh|rb|as|bat|cmd|coffee|php[3-6]|java|c|cbl|go|h|scala|vb)$',
  isImageFilePattern: '\\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|bmp|png|svg|tiff)$',
  isExtractableFilePattern: '\\.(zip|gz|tar|rar|gzip)$'

alt tag alt tag Mobile support


  • Multilanguage (English / Spanish / Portuguese)
  • Multiple templates (List / Icons)
  • Multiple file upload
  • Search files
  • Directory tree navigation
  • Copy, Move, Rename (Interactive UX)
  • Delete, Edit, Preview, Download
  • File permissions (Unix chmod style)


  • Multiple file selector
  • Dropbox and Google Drive compatibility
  • Backend bridges (PHP, Java, Python, Node, .Net)

Backend API


URL: $config.listUrl, Method: POST
JSON Request content
{ "params": {
    "mode": "list",
    "onlyFolders": false,
    "path": "/public_html"
JSON Response
{ "result": [ 
        "name": "joomla",
        "rights": "drwxr-xr-x",
        "size": "4096",
        "date": "2015-04-29 09:04:24",
        "type": "dir"
    }, {
        "name": "magento",
        "rights": "drwxr-xr-x",
        "size": "4096",
        "date": "17:42",
        "type": "dir"
    }, {
        "name": "index.php",
        "rights": "-rw-r--r--",
        "size": "0",
        "date": "2013-11-01 11:44:13",
        "type": "file"

Rename / Move

URL: $config.renameUrl, Method: POST
JSON Request content
{ "params": {
    "mode": "rename",
    "path": "/public_html/index.php",
    "newPath": "/public_html/index2.php"
JSON Response
{ "result": { "success": true, "error": null } }


URL: $config.copyUrl, Method: POST
JSON Request content
{ "params": {
    "mode": "copy",
    "path": "/public_html/index.php",
    "newPath": "/public_html/index-copy.php"
JSON Response
{ "result": { "success": true, "error": null } }


URL: $config.removeUrl, Method: POST
JSON Request content
{ "params": {
    "mode": "delete",
    "path": "/public_html/index.php",
JSON Response
{ "result": { "success": true, "error": null } }

Edit file

URL: $config.editUrl, Method: POST
JSON Request content
{ "params": {
    "mode": "savefile",
    "content": "<?php echo random(); ?>",
    "path": "/public_html/index.php",
JSON Response
{ "result": { "success": true, "error": null } }

Get content of a file

URL: $config.getContentUrl, Method: POST
JSON Request content
{ "params": {
    "mode": "editfile",
    "path": "/public_html/index.php"
JSON Response
{ "result": "<?php echo random(); ?>" }

Create folder

URL: $config.createFolderUrl, Method: POST
JSON Request content
{ "params": {
    "mode": "addfolder",
    "name": "new-folder",
    "path": "/public_html"
JSON Response
{ "result": { "success": true, "error": null } }

Set permissions

URL: $config.permissionsUrl, Method: POST
JSON Request content
{ "params": {
    "mode": "changepermissions",
    "path": "/public_html/index.php",
    "perms": "653",
    "permsCode": "rw-r-x-wx",
    "recursive": false
JSON Response
{ "result": { "success": true, "error": null } }

Compress file

URL: $config.compressUrl, Method: POST
JSON Request content
{ "params": {
    "mode": "compress",
    "path": "/public_html/compressed.zip",
    "destination": "/public_html/backups"
JSON Response
{ "result": { "success": true, "error": null } }

Extract file

URL: $config.extractUrl, Method: POST
JSON Request content
{ "params": {
    "mode": "extract",
    "destination": "/public_html/extracted-files",
    "path": "/public_html/compressed.zip",
    "sourceFile": "/public_html/compressed.zip"
JSON Response
{ "result": { "success": true, "error": null } }

Upload file

URL: $config.uploadUrl, Method: POST, Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Unlimited file upload, each item will be enumerated as file-1, file-2, etc.
Http post params
JSON Response
{ "result": { "success": true, "error": null } }

Download / Preview file

URL: $config.downloadFileUrl, Method: GET
Http query params
-File content

Errors / Exceptions

Any backend error should be with an error 500 HTTP code. Btw, you can also report errors with a 200 response using this json structure

{ "result": {
    "success": false,
    "error": "Access denied to remove file"


To contribute to the project you can simply fork this repo. To build a minified version, you can simply run the Gulp task gulp build. The minified/uglified files are created in the dist folder.


For transparency into our release cycle and in striving to maintain backward compatibility, angular-filemanager is maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines.

Copyright and license

Code and documentation released under the MIT license.