
twitter clone made with django, postgres, react, chakra ui

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Development Server

To run the project in the development mode you first need to install docker in your machine. Once you have docker installed you can run the following command.

docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up --build

This will run three container simultaneously. You need to run migration to make database work.

docker-compose exec app python manage.py migrate

To login into admin panel which will be running at localhost:8000, first create super user

docker-compose exec app python manage.py createsuperusers

If you made some changes in the db and want to create migration do following

docker-compose exec app python manage.py makemigrations
docker-compose exec app python manage.py migrate

Producton Server

You can run production server with docker-compose.yml file with following command.

docker-compose up