

  • CodeIgniter 2.2.0
  • Ion Auth as authentication Library
  • Simple layout support
  • Simple CRUD model

Ion Auth

To prepare database for using Ion Auth run the migration


Where the localhost is the address of the application downloaded. Form more information or settings options visit (

If you do not want to use Ion Auth just do not run a migration.


For layout usage you must specify the layout name. By default the layouts are kept at the


The layout name being specified using by


Layout usage example:

class User extends CI_Controller
    public function __construct()
        parent:: __construct();

    public function index()
        $data = $this->input->post();
        $this->layout->view('welcome', $data);


Model example:

class User_model extends BaseModel
    protected $table = 'user';

    public function __construct()

Extending from BaseModel gives you ability for using simple CRUDE. To make your queries like this: model_name - name of the model, at models directory.

    1. Reading example:
	a) $this->model_name->findOne(1);
	 producing SELECT * FROM model_name WHERE id = 1 LIMIT 1;

	b)$where = array('name' => 'Mike');
	producing SELECT * FROM model_name WHERE name = 'Mike' LIMIT 1;

	c) $this->model_name->findAll();
	producing SELECT * FROM model_name;

	d) $where = array('deleted' => 0);
	producing SELECT * FROM model_name WHERE deleted = 0
    1. Create example:
	$mike = array(
		'email' => '',
		'name' => 'Mike',
		'deleted' => 0
	producing INSERT INTO model_name ('email', 'name', 'deleted') VALUES('', 'Mike', 0);
    1. Update example:
	$where = array('name' => 'Mike');
	$set = array('deleted' => 1)
	$this->model_name->update($where, $set);
	producing UPDATE model_name WHERE name = 'Mike' SET deleted = 1;
    1. Delete example:
	$where = array('deleted' => '1');
	producing DELETE FROM model_name WHERE deleted = 1;
    1. Search table example:
	$like = array('name' => 'Mi')
	producing SELECT * FROM model_name WHERE name LIKE 'Mi'
	Can use multiple fields in array
    1. Controller CRUD example usage:
class User extends CI_Controller
    public function __construct()
        parent:: __construct();

    public function create()
        $user = $this->uri->segment(3);

        $this->user_model->create(array('name' => $user));

    public function show()
        $users = $this->user_model->findAll()->ToArray();
        $this->load->view('welcome_message', array('users' => $users)); 
    1. Existing Code First model description in a test mode, please do no use it on real project As it can cause unpredictable data loss.