
Gin-based proxy server over Oasis gRPC.

1. Available endpoints

  • /block/:height - get block meta
  • /transactions/:height - get transactions at given height
  • /validators/:height - get validators at given height
  • /staking/:height/total_supply - get total supply at given height
  • /staking/:height/accounts - get accounts at given height
  • /staking/:height/state_to_genesis - get state to genesis at given height
  • /staking/:height/accounts/:account_address - get account details at given height for give public key
  • /staking/:height/debonding_delegators/:account_address - get debonding delegators for give account public key
  • /staking/:height/threshold/:kind - get threshold for given height and type

2 Environmental variables

  • APP_PORT - What port to use for API
  • GIN_MODE - set this to release on production
  • GO_ENVIRONMENT - set go environment (production | development)
  • OASIS_SOCKET - absolute path to oasis node socket