Thank you for taking the time to complete this project. We are excited that you are considering joining our amazing team.

Weather App Description and Requirements

Build a Ruby on Rails app that calls an external weather service API and displays the data

  • Import a CSS Framework - Use default components as style/design is not a requirement

  • Use any free weather API of your choosing. Here are few options but feel free to use another. If the free tier is missing data you need just use another attribute and note it with comments.

  • Create a ruby class to handle the API call(s) and the received data.

  • Convert the data into a ruby object before displaying data.

  • Have the ability to save locations by zip code. Then get the weather by saved zip code.

  • Display the current temperature along with the high and low.

  • Write a method that calculates the average temperature for the day and display the average temperature for the day.

  • Write a method that converts current/high/low/average temperature from fahrenheit to celcius and display.

  • Include a toggle button to switch from fahrenheit to celcius.

  • Include update weather link/button using JavaScript.

  • AJAX as much as possible

  • RSPEC tests for model and API methods used.

Submitting the project

  • Spin up a new app and commit to GitHub as first commit.

  • Create a branch and commit all project changes to that branch.

  • Create a pull request when the project is complete.

  • Host on Heroku and send us the URL and github pull request url.