A Django app that lets you filter data by date range and numeric range in the admin UI
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DateRangeFilter does not work properly with DateField
#130 opened by un1t - 3
Duplicate datetimeshortcuts for each input
#128 opened by vxsx - 3
Issue 9 replicating after upgrading to django 4.2 Duplicate calender and date
#127 opened by vipulnarang95 - 2
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Incompatibility with Django Unfold theme
#125 opened by arsiboo - 0
NumericRangeFilter shows the initial value of default_end instead of default_start
#123 opened by gretapataki - 1
My default search button doesn't work.
#122 opened by AenishShrestha - 1
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Performance issue with multiple range filters (same resources : scripts + styles loaded multiple times)
#116 opened by daweedm - 2
Support django-grappelli
#84 opened by abhakhi - 0
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@vekerdyb This is the code I will use: Not working for me.. got object has no attribute self.lookup_kwarg_isnull.. pls attach detailed code how to use it
#102 opened by Nagendra-babu77 - 6
NumericRangeFilter clears all other filters
#110 opened by dibusan - 3
Select a range by two fields using one filter
#109 opened by quant12345 - 1
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Add custom predefined date ranges
#51 opened by vekerdyb - 0
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Possible to turn on by default on all admin
#96 opened by zehawki - 0
Add Documentation for custom implementation
#93 opened by VaZark - 1
Inability to set a title
#92 opened by AntoninGrele - 12
Can't use DateRangeFilter on a baseadmin
#91 opened by MehdiAria - 0
Filter position on mobile phone.
#90 opened by mridul289 - 1
Using filters with annotated fields
#89 opened by last-partizan - 0
Incompatibility with django-bootstrap-admin
#66 opened by belonesox - 0
Add range for integer and float
#73 opened by Konark-Web - 1
override templates
#87 opened by MahmoudNasser01 - 0
Feature Request: TimeRangeFilter
#88 opened by Datamined - 1
Filter for calculated fields
#86 opened by KaktusOnFire - 1
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how to add language in translate app
#82 opened by shahmohammadims - 3
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Date is not clickable
#76 opened by Isanur960 - 0
`nonce` breaks admin inlines styles.
#74 opened by fabiocaccamo - 1
Invalid Calendar position with right to left locals
#72 opened by YDA93 - 0
Django 4.0 uses zoneinfo instead of pytz
#71 opened by jameslao - 5
Range Filter by two fields
#69 opened by W0rtX - 1
pytz deprecation => zoneinfo
#68 opened by 1oglop1 - 7
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Icons for datepicker don't show up when `_get_form_class` is executed twice for a single form
#62 opened by vanschelven - 6
Getting "ValueError: Missing staticfiles manifest entry for 'admin/js/calendar.js'"
#63 opened by meneses-pt - 4
Error TemplateDoesNotExist when using rangefilter
#61 opened by DoMaT - 2
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Scrolling Admin Filter with Django CMS
#56 opened by HenryMehta - 2
Alternative date picker?
#55 opened by gamesbook - 1
Italian translation
#54 opened by udanieli - 1
Missing whitespace in translation pt_PT
#53 opened by tales42 - 0
Module not found error
#52 opened by kadhaus