
personal vimrc backup

Primary LanguageVim script


Personal vimrc backup

This is just a backup.


Plugin Manager


Plugins List

Update Time: 2018-07-27

note: Sort by name in initial commit, maybe sort by name after(may forget to sort after add a plugin).

+ means the plugin are modified manually.

* means the plugin are not installed by git.

! means the plugin need to read 'how to install' first.


Have to clone with hg. I don't have this so just download the code pack.

Commands can't run in windows because of tee and a bug of shellescape. With some changes I do it now can used normally under windows. I commit pull request to wannesm and he just merged it into repo, so actually there is no edit in the plugin.

All changes have been moved to vimrc file. So no change in code, just some templates I used.

With unknown reason it can't works. for example, if use Gstatus, sometimes E484(can't open file), sometimes a empty file(.git/index err). Seems all plugin use Temp file(vim-javacomplete2) has this bug, maybe some errors in vim itself.

Need to install clang fisrt and set a var to clang lib path. Not test because didn't write cpp for a long time.

As I use AsyncRun instead of vim-dispatch, add some lines to 'autoload/OmniSharp.vim' to support start server function. It run async command with vim-dispatch by checking 'Dispatch' command but call dispatch#start() directly, this just lead to that I can't just add a new command 'Dispatch' linked to AsyncRun to solve the problem.

Add these codes after line 551, in function 'OmniSharp#RunAsyncCommand'.

  elseif exists(':AsyncRun') == 2
      exec 'noautocmd AsyncRun ' . a:command