
Following along with this tutorial from CodeSchool.com http://campus.codeschool.com/courses/shaping-up-with-angular-js/

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Following along with this tutorial from CodeSchool.com http://campus.codeschool.com/courses/shaping-up-with-angular-js/

Random Notes Below

app.directive() app.controller() app.model()

Using Directives instead of Controllers: you get to make a new element, put the function of the element into a remote file, and attach controller + alias to directive itself.

services: start with $ sign

$http services how to make async request to server $http({method:’GET’, url:’/products.json’}); <- has options object $http.get(‘products.json’, {apiKey: ‘myApiKey’}); <- shortcut methods both return Promise object with .sucess() and .error() Promises allow you to do callbacks on it. Feature of $http: if you request JSON, result will be in JSON.

How Controller uses Service app.controller(‘SomeController’, [‘$http’, function($http){ } ]);

// ‘serviceName’, surfaceName as argument Basically you are specifing the service that your controllers need ?--- dependency injection

To Compile Type Script Visual Studio -> Tools -> Nuget Package Manager -> tsc console.ts