
Repo for howtobuybitcoins.info

Primary LanguagePHP

Repo for howtobuybitcoins.info

File Format

For easily merging pull request specially services.yaml, Unix line endings should be used (LF).


Simple edits can be done following yaml rules.

uniquename - this would be the identifier entry, no spaces is allowed

label - title of the site

label: Awesome Exchanger

countries - please see website for the code of country, example entry.

countries: [us, uk] 

icon - url of the favicon.ico of site, don't include if you dont have one.

icon: http://example.com/favicon.ico

url - url of the site, or any page of your site.

url: http://example.com 

content - description of the site.

Single line

content: Single line

Multi line - Scalar content can be written in block notation, using a literal style (indicated by “|”) where all line breaks are significant. These should be also indented two spaces.

content: |
  Multiline indented two spaces
  Second line
  Third line

coins - accepted crypto currency

coins: [btc]

Example Entry:

  label: Sample Exchanger
  countries: [us, uk] 
  icon: http://sample-exchanger.com/favicon.ico
  url: http://sample-exchanger.com
  content: |
	The most awesome exchanger in the planet
    Everyone should agree