
Just a subfolder of https://github.com/siliconflow/onediff

Primary LanguagePython

Just a subfolder of https://github.com/siliconflow/onediff


(Optional) Installing through comfy cli

pip install comfy-cli

# Installing ComfyUI https://github.com/Comfy-Org/comfy-cli?tab=readme-ov-file#installing-comfyui
comfy install

comfy node install onediff_comfy_nodes # default install oneflow backend

(Optional) Installing through github

git clone https://github.com/siliconflow/onediff.git
cd onediff && pip install -e .
ln -s $(pwd)/onediff_comfy_nodes path/to/ComfyUI/custom_nodes/
# or
# cp -r onediff_comfy_nodes path/to/ComfyUI/custom_nodes/

Quick Start

Start the comfyui service:

comfy launch -- --gpu-only 

The following image is a loadable workflow file