
Classic Cryptography in the Lua language

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Classic Cryptography in the Lua language

A small collection of programs that are implementing several classic crypto routines. A useful library ccrypt.lua included, some nice utilities and if I find time, I will add some crypto breakers, too! The programs usually are working within the Linux/Unix/Shell pipeline and expect input from stdin, output to stdout.

  • bin.lua - a small binary dumper
  • block.lua - prints text in blocks, fist argument is the blocksize, the second the linelength
  • caesar.lua - does a caesar code, argument is the shift
  • ccrypt.lua - the "classic crypt" library with many useful functions
  • count.lua - does a simple character or bi- trigram-count, argument is the length of the ngrams
  • dec2bin.lua - single decimal number to binary converter (in UTF8 codes), you can determine the bitlength and codes, I also put that routine into ccrypt.lua
  • engigma.lua - hopefully a complete implementation of the Enigma algorithm, as far as I could test it
  • engigma_{}.txt - some Enigma encoded original texts for control purposes from second world war
  • lower.lua - transfer to lowercase letters
  • playfair.lua - implements the Playfair crypto algorithm
  • shuffle.lua - shuffles a text in a random way, also part of ccrypt.lua
  • skytale.lua - implements the Skytale algorithm, the argument determines the size of the rectangle, while it fills until dividable with random letters
  • sz42.lua - implemtns the Lorenz machine chiffre, but still lacks the argument for setting the default of the rings
  • trithemius.lua - implements the Trithemius algorithm, the predecessor of the Vigenére chiffre
  • unrequire.lua - deletes a require from Lua symbol space, library function
  • utf4.lua - transfers a text to nibble sized Unicode, while small letters are the stuff, that encodes with minimum size, usually the text is something like 60% of it's original size or less. Modern alternative for Baudot/Murray encoding and works fine to preserve bandwidth (no official UTF4 exists up to this time)
  • vernam.lua - shows working of the Vernam chiffre with a pseudo random number stream
  • vigenere.lua - implements the Vigenère chiffre
  • the rest is just for fun

More about that in my Computer Project blog, where I have some of those programs tested with screenshots how they work: https://plus.google.com/+HannoBehrens/posts/UM4ox5o53Uz