Student: Silje Angelvik
Host: Netlify
Repository: GitHub
Resources | URLs |
GitHub | Kanban - Gantt Chartt - Table Oveview |
Figma | Style Tile - Prototype Mobile - Prototype Desktop |
Resources | Exam Brief - Holidaze API Docs - API Endpoints |
The images displayed above are screenshots of the Holidaze website on desktop.
This is a React exam project for the course "Frontend Development 2" at Noroff.
The project is a website for a fictional venue booking application called "Holidaze".
The website is built with React, AntDesign, and Netlify.
This project contains a single page application with a home(list of venues) page,
a profile page and a detail page for each venue.
- JavaScript
- React.js
- Create React App
- Ant Design
- Material UI
- React Router DOM
- Yup
- Git
- GitHub
- Yarn
- Netlify
- PhpStorm
- Noroff API Holidaze Endpoints
- Noroff API Docs
- Clone the repo:
git clone
- Install the dependencies:
yarn install
To run and preview the app:
yarn start
No contributions at this time.
Click on the badges below to go to my profiles or contact me via email.
Sanity Yup Form
React Router v6
Google Fonts Combination 2023
Colour Trends 2023
Colors Toolbox
GitHub Profile Badges
React Hook
Current User
Unicode Checkmark
Logo Idea
React Admin
React Form
Sandbox Delete from List
Sandbox Add ToDo
AntDesign Modal
AntDesign AutoComplete
AntDesign Card
AntDesign Table
React UseEffect
React Form Validation with Formik and Yup
React Form Validation with React Hook Form and Yup
React Search Filter
React Calendar with Events
Netlify Redirect Options
Netlify Redirects for 404 Forum
Netlify Custom 404-Page Forum
Netlify Redirects Forum
Guide to Authentication with React Router v6
React Clean Code
Clean Up Your React Code
Tips to Write Clean React Code
Use React Context for Auth
React Router v6 in 45 minutes
Dev Server
RTK-Example GitHub
Starter React GitHub
5 Custom React Hooks
Infinite Scroll AntDTS Mobile
GitHub README Badges
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Random Joke Generator
GitHub Badges Theme
CRA Deployment
Push Into Array JS