- 2
[Suggestion] Add extension for `ReadOnlySpan<char>`
#36 opened by slxdy - 3
Foreground/Background properties
#34 opened by marss72 - 3
24-bit colors not supported in GitLab CI
#35 opened by Pipelynx - 3
(r,g,b) overload method?
#32 opened by AnalogFeelings - 4
- 4
NETSTANDARD support please
#29 opened by fluffynuts - 4
- 6
Number colorization problem
#27 opened by AIUbi - 1
`ConsoleColor` support?
#26 opened by scarletquasar - 3
Don't work alignment
#25 opened by kotmitrik - 1
- 8
No Pastel color output in macOS Terminal
#23 opened by foobit - 5
long term supported .NET core 3.1 target
#22 opened by plv2 - 6
Net Framework 4.7.2
#21 opened by Phill030 - 2
How does this work in ssh sessions?
#20 opened by KoB-Kirito - 2
Doesn't work in a mac terminal
#19 opened by thirdprize - 3
Preserve alignment
#18 opened - 1
Console Background
#17 opened by DrFishyLobster - 10
- 0
.NetFramework v4.5
#15 opened by ArkhLink - 2
Cant use the library
#13 opened by AsianPotato - 5
Colors not showing
#10 opened by ambujs - 6
- 7
Nested Coloring
#6 opened by Nucs - 2
I love your work thank you so much
#4 opened by verd0s - 2
Will it work on Linux?
#3 opened by Morasiu - 2
Not Working on Rapsberry pi3
#2 opened by MrMuu88 - 2
- 2
Coloring the background
#12 opened by Asac2142 - 1
Underline, Bold
#8 opened by mattiasnordqvist