
Actioncable example in Rails 5. Notify other clients when new messages are posted.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

ActionCable example

In this example ActionCable is used to notify other users of new messages that are added to the application. More information about ActionCable can be found in the Rails Documentation.


In this example we start from an new Rails project. You can create a project just by running the rails new my-actioncable-app command. A Message model is used to store and retrieve messages. The model can be created with the rails generate model Message message:string command. Next there must be a page where people can view the messages and post a new message. A home controller is provided with an index and message action. The controller can be created with the rails generate controller home index message command. The home action fetches all the messages from the database and prepares a new message for the form.

class HomeController < ApplicationController
  def index
      @message = Message.new
      @messages = Message.all.reverse

  def message
      @message = Message.create(message_params)
      redirect_to root_path

    def message_params

The root route points at the index action of the home controller. A route for the message post is also defined.

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  root 'home#index'
  post 'message' => 'home#message', as: 'message'

The webpage will show a list of previous messages with an input field and submit button on the top. This functionality is defined in the index view.

<h1>Rails ActionCable example</h1>

<%= form_for(@message, url: {action: "message"}) do |f| %>
    <%= f.label :message %><br />
    <%= f.text_field :message %>
    <%= f.submit %>
<% end %>

<ul id="messages">
    <% @messages.each do |message| %>
    <li><%= message.message %></li>
    <% end %>

Adding an ActionCable Channel to your project

You can simply add a ActionCable channel to your application by using the channel generator. In this example our channel is called message.

rails generate channel message

The generator will create some file for you. A message_channel.rb file in the app/channels/ directory. In this file the server-side behavior is defined. A message.coffee file is created in the app/assets/javascripts/channels/ directory. In this file the client-side behavior is defined.

create  app/channels/message_channel.rb
identical  app/assets/javascripts/cable.js
create  app/assets/javascripts/channels/message.coffee

Seting up the channel

Generated app/channels/message_channel.rb file:

# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. Action Cable runs in a loop that does not support auto reloading.
class MessageChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
  def subscribed
    # stream_from "some_channel"
    stream_from "message"

  def unsubscribed
    # Any cleanup needed when channel is unsubscribed

In the app/channels/message_channel.rb file we need to create a new channel when a subscription request is received. We can do this by adding stream_from "message" to the subscribed method.

  def subscribed
    # stream_from "some_channel"
    stream_from "message"

On the server-side everything is ready now for streaming updates on the message channel.

Broadcasting new updates

We can now use the channel to broadcast data to all the subscribed clients. This can be done with the broadcast method of the ActionCable.server object. We need to specify the channel (message in our case), and the data that needs to be broadcasted.

ActionCable.server.broadcast "message", data: message

The best place to call this method in our example is in the Message model. There we can specify code that needs to be executed when a new message is saved. This can be done by specifying the method to be calles with after_save.

The Model (app/models/message.rb) code will look like this:

class Message < ApplicationRecord
    after_save :broadcast

    def broadcast
        ActionCable.server.broadcast "message", data: message

Receiving the updates

The updetes are received on the client-side in JavaScript. Rails provided an CoffeeScript file (app/assets/javascripts/channels/message.coffee) where we can specify the behavior in the received function

App.message = App.cable.subscriptions.create "MessageChannel",
  connected: ->
    # Called when the subscription is ready for use on the server

  disconnected: ->
    # Called when the subscription has been terminated by the server

  received: (data) ->
    $("#messages").prepend("<li>" + data.message + "</li>")

This is all we need :)


At the moment, the page is refreshed after sending a new message with the HTML form. It would be better to implement this with an AJAX request...