background color: #f0efef
yellow: #f9e42e
dark blue: #033048
light grey: #606161
almost black: #121212

Font: Open Sans (Google Font:
Weight: Light, Light Italic, Semibold, Extrabold

Nav: Semibold, 24px

Main column width: 700px
Sidebar width: 240px
Gutter: 20px

Post Titles - 40px, semibold
"How I implemented Relaxr in 2 weeks and changed my life."
"I traveled across the globe thanks to Relaxr’s Excel auomation"

Body text - Light 24px
Read More - 24px semibold

Sidebar headers - 32px, extra bold
Categories list - 24px, light
"Success stories
How tos
Best of
Business tips"

About text - 22px light
Proin sed justo vel sapien varius auctor. Proin scelerisque massa at luctus tincidunt. Fusce porttitor, sapien sed tincidunt fringilla.
Learn More - Semibold, 22