
A simple, Python-based, command-line runner for MGIZA++.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Giza-py: MGIZA++ Command-line Runner

giza-py is a simple, Python-based, command-line runner for MGIZA++, a popular tool for building word alignment models.



Giza-py requires Python 3.7 or greater.


To install Giza-py, clone the repo and install pip dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/sillsdev/giza-py.git
cd giza-py
pip install -r requirements.txt


In order to install MGIZA++ on Linux/macOS, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Boost C++ library and unzip it.
  2. Build Boost:
cd <boost_dir>
./bootstrap.sh --prefix=./build --with-libraries=thread,system
./b2 install
  1. Clone the MGIZA++ repo:
git clone https://github.com/moses-smt/mgiza.git
  1. Build MGIZA++ (CMake is required):
cd <mgiza_dir>/mgizapp
cmake -DBOOST_ROOT=<boost_dir>/build -DBoost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<giza-py_dir>/.bin .
make install


Generating alignments

To generate alignments using MGIZA++, run the following command:

python3 giza.py --source <src_path> --target <trg_path> --alignments <output_path>

The source and target corpora files must be text files where tokens are separated by spaces. Giza-py will output the alignments in Pharaoh format.

Alignment probabilties for each aligned word pair can be output by using the --include-probs argument. Giza-py will include alignment probabilities in the generated alignment file. The probabilities are separated from each word pair using a colon : delimiter. Here is an example of the Pharaoh format with probabilities included:

7-0:0.22661511 5-3:0.4715056 3-6:0.67267063 1-7:0.10234439
0-0:0.75820181 4-1:0.24716581 8-4:0.72411429

Note: The probabilities included in the alignment file are only alignment probabilities and do not include translation probabilities. If you want translation probabilties, they can be obtained by generating a lexicon.


By default, Giza-py will generate alignments using the IBM-4 model. To specify a different model, use the --model argument.

python3 giza.py --source <src_path> --target <trg_path> --alignments <output_path> --model hmm

The number of iterations for each stage of training can be specified using the --m{model_number} arguments. The following example will train an IBM-4 model with 10 iterations for the IBM-1 stage:

python3 giza.py --source <src_path> --target <trg_path> --alignments <output_path> --m1 10

The following are the parameters for configuring the number of iterations for each supported model:

  • ibm1
    • m1: IBM-1 (default: 5 iterations)
  • ibm2
    • m1: IBM-1 (default: 5 iterations)
    • m2: IBM-2 (default: 5 iterations)
  • hmm
    • m1: IBM-1 (default: 5 iterations)
    • mh: HMM (default: 5 iterations)
  • ibm3
    • m1: IBM-1 (default: 5 iterations)
    • mh: HMM (default: 5 iterations)
    • m3: IBM-3 (default: 5 iterations)
  • ibm4
    • m1: IBM-1 (default: 5 iterations)
    • mh: HMM (default: 5 iterations)
    • m3: IBM-3 (default: 5 iterations)
    • m4: IBM-4 (default: 5 iterations)


Giza-py generates symmetrized alignments using direct and inverse alignment models. By default, Giza-py will symmetrize alignments using the "grow-diag-final-and" heuristic. To specify a different heuristic, use the --sym-heuristic argument.

python3 giza.py --source <src_path> --target <trg_path> --alignments <output_path> --sym-heuristic intersection

Giza-py supports many different symmetrization heuristics:

  • union
  • intersection
  • och
  • grow
  • grow-diag
  • grow-diag-final
  • grow-diag-final-and

Generating a lexicon

Giza-py can also extract a bilingual lexicon from the trained alignment model.

python3 giza.py --source <src_path> --target <trg_path> --lexicon <output_path>

The lexicon is extracted as a tab-separated text file. The score for each word pair is the maximum probability from the direct and inverse alignment model.

The lexicon can be filtered by using the --lexicon-threshold argument. Giza-py will filter out all translations with a probability that is less than or equal to the specified threshold.