
Primary LanguageVim Snippet


LaTeX snippet depends on vimtex

The LaTeX snippet use vimtex to tell whether the current consor is in a math environment so you need to install it first.

helper function

We make helper functions available to multiple snippet files by defining helper functions in a file pythonx/snippet_helpers.py. Note that Vim will load the snippet_helpers.py one time only. That means that any changes you make to the helper functions in snippet_helpers.py won’t be seen by your snippet files until you reboot Vim. See here and :help UltiSnips-globals for more infomation.


  1. Snippets for math expressions that can be commonly used in markdown and LaTeX are collected into one place Ultisnips/mathtex.snippets. Any snippet in this file can be used and will be triggered in markdown and LaTeX files. tex.snippets and markdown.snippets are for snippets that only works for that filetype.