
Development has been moved to https://github.com/yalibs/yatree

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Yet another C/C++ tree implementation. A simple header-only implementation of a simple tree structure and a DFS algorithm.

Example Usage

auto printer_function = [](const std::string& node){ std::cout << node << " "; };
//// You can create trees constructor-pattern style
////   +
////  / \.
//// 1   2
auto my_tree = tree<std::string>{"+"}
my_tree.apply_dfs(printer_function); // + 1 2
std::cout << std::endl;

//// You can even concatenate trees together
////    *
////   / \.
////  3   +
////     / \.
////    1   2
auto my_tree2 = tree<std::string>{"*"}
my_tree2.apply_dfs(printer_function); // * 3 + 1 2
std::cout << std::endl;