Python 3.7.
This project is mainly based on the following libraries.
- Django 2.2
- django restframework 3.10.3
- django restframework jwt 1.11.0
- ...etc.
For more detial, you can see the requirements/dev.txt
and requirements/prod.txt
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt # for dev
adjust the settings/
or settings/
for your need. like installed_app or database connection settings or other things.
You can simply run the following commands to start a dev server
python runserver
then open you will see it.
or you can use docker-compose
to run server if you don't want to install the python or other depencies
docker-compose up # this will build image first time
docker-compose run app python collectstatic
docker-compose run app python makemigrations or migrate
docker-compose run app python createsuperuser # to create a super user if you want
docker-compose logs [service name] # can see the log for certain service
After spinning up the server, you can get the swagger page by opening the
然後目前swagger不知道為啥api group沒切好...可能有bug,時間內找不到問題。
version 目前可以輸入 v1
- GET /api/{version}/messages/ 獲取目前訊息列表
- POST /api/{version}/messages/ po訊息
- POST /api/{version}/messages/{id}/ 回覆
- POST /api/{version}/users/login/ 登入 確認OK有回傳token
- POSt /api/{version}/users/register/ 註冊 有小bug要處理
we use pytest
with django.
pip install -r requirements/prod.txt # or
DEBUG = False
JWT auth, please put it in the header Authorization: JWT <jwt_token>
request -> serialzier
model process
serialzier -> response
- regular expression for mobile
- ajdust the response with a wrap to success.. code..
- write test
- fix some bugs..