
An example microservice.

Primary LanguageJava

Example Microservice


The purpose of this code repository is to show an example of how to implement a service (or microservice) in Java using Spring Boot.

Technologies and Techniques

There are a variety of tools being integrated in this example.

  • Spring Boot
    • common properties to modify Spring behavior
    • replacing default providers with alternatives
    • using out-of-the-box tools such as Spring Actuator
  • JAX-RS
  • JSON-B
  • OpenAPI
    • embedded Swagger UI
  • Maven
    • useful standard plugins
      • Enforcer plugin
      • Toolchain plugin
    • integration test phase
      • embedded SQL database
      • full servlet initialization and shutdown
      • full serialization and deserialization
    • site generation
      • JavaDoc
      • test reports
      • dependency updates
      • security vulnerabilities

Most of these should be used pretty much everywhere, particularly the OWASP security vulnerability plugin and the dependency updates plugin. The enforcer plugin fails the build if the dependency tree has any conflicts or inconsistencies in it, ensuring fully reproducible builds and stable artifacts. The toolchain plugin makes it easy to use later versions of the JDK safely while still maintaining a previous version as the minimum requirement.

The integration test phase is one of the most useful aspects of the Maven tool. Pretty much any test that normally is done manually can be automated using this, since it stands up a full servlet container and SQL database and loads the service just like would happen in a real deployment. But the integration test phase automatically cleans up these resources, making it safe and appropriate for use in automated build systems.


You may have noticed the license is the GPL. This is intentional. However, it should not affect the intended use of this repository, which is to provide examples of good practices and techniques. Users should not blindly copy the entire repository, instead they should read the code and learn from it, and where appropriate copy small portions applicable to their own project. This falls under the category of "fair use", and is entirely legal and acceptable under US copyright laws. And since I, the copyright owner, am publicly endorsing such usage, users should feel secure in doing so. A good rule of thumb is if you copy anything that includes my name, you are probably breaking copyright. If not, you are probably using it fairly. As a last resort, you can always ask me directly.



Run the service.

Visit http://localhost:8080/webjars/swagger-ui/index.html?url=http://localhost:8080/api/openapi.json.

Detailed Instructions

This is a Spring Boot service, so it can be run as a stand-alone application or as a Java servlet.


Here are the dependencies needed for each particular feature to function.


This uses a JAX-RS implementation for HTTP support. This example uses Jersey.

  • javax.inject:javax.inject
  • org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-jersey
  • org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web


This uses a JSON-B implementation for all JSON serialization and deserialization. This example uses Apache Johnzon.

  • javax.json.bind:javax.json.bind-api
  • org.apache.johnzon:johnzon-jaxrs
  • org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-json (implicit via transitive)


This provides JDBC database support, which includes the embedded database for integration testing.

  • org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-jdbc
  • org.apache.derby:derby


This provides OpenAPI support, specifically the generated endpoints /api/openapi.json and /api/openapi.yaml.

  • io.swagger.core.v3:swagger-jaxrs2
  • io.swagger.core.v3:swagger-jaxrs2-servlet-initializer-v2

Swagger UI

This is distinct from the OpenAPI feature. The former merely generates the OpenAPI document and endpoint. Swagger UI provides the HTML and CSS and JS seen when visiting /webjars/swagger-ui/index.html. Swagger UI is incredibly useful for development and debugging, but inappropriate to include in a production service.

  • org.webjars:swagger-ui
  • org.webjars:webjars-locator-core

The webjars-locator-core dependency enables accessing the Swagger UI resources without the version number in the URL.