- 1
Weight values are non-standard in the UFO sources
#88 opened by devosb - 0
Fix inconsistent encodings
#87 opened by jvgaultney - 2
- 9
Please do not use Book as a non-normal
#85 opened by nim-nim - 2
Please clarify documentation
#84 opened by nim-nim - 3
Prepare minimal documentation - English
#58 opened by jvgaultney - 1
Prepare minimal documentation - Chinese
#59 opened by jvgaultney - 3
Decide how to package language-specific fonts
#60 opened by jvgaultney - 5
Book & Extra Light missing regular typeface
#83 opened by cheuk879 - 16
16F5F not centered in head position
#50 opened by kienwt - 7
Vowel in head position does not render properly in Microsoft Word 2013, 2016, 365
#82 opened by kienwt - 15
Align V at F pos with asp
#72 opened by cheuk879 - 3
[hmd] Spacing problems after Asp + V@W
#81 opened by jvgaultney - 4
[hmd] right alignment against a stem
#80 opened by mhosken - 7
Alignment of RHS of asp with LHS of vowel
#79 opened by jvgaultney - 6
[lpo] 16F54 needs raising when following 16F61
#54 opened by cheuk879 - 6
Spacing problems when V is tucked under asp
#75 opened by jvgaultney - 6
- 3
[hmdd] Asp overlays dot on dotted consonants
#76 opened by jvgaultney - 2
- 3
[lpo] Asp: Add more rounded variant
#74 opened by cheuk879 - 1
Latin A has remaining overlaps
#78 opened by jvgaultney - 7
[hmd, hmz, ywqa, yna] Kern specific combinations
#65 opened by cheuk879 - 3
- 4
- 14
[hmdd] Unkern asp & dot
#66 opened by cheuk879 - 1
- 2
- 2
Asp overlaps with 16F64 in head position
#43 opened by kienwt - 3
- 5
[sfm] Shimenkan MAS - Some consonants + vowel + 16F90 no longer positioned properly
#64 opened by kienwt - 5
- 0
- 0
Fix spaces and format characters
#62 opened by jvgaultney - 7
- 6
[ywq] request for 16F12
#41 opened by kienwt - 3
[sfm] S & E need lowering; K may need raising
#53 opened by cheuk879 - 1
Remove unneeded glyphs and revise glyph order
#61 opened by jvgaultney - 1
- 4
[ywq] prefers non-flat versions of 16F14 and 16F23
#42 opened by kienwt - 1
- 2
[sfm] Shimenkan MAS - Team requests vowel combinations tucked in E and K positions
#51 opened by kienwt - 3
- 4
[lpo] 16F72, 16F7E loop & tail adjustments
#52 opened by cheuk879 - 1
- 1
[sfm] Shimenkan MAS - Second of two vowels followed by 16F8F or 16F92 not positioned properly
#47 opened by kienwt - 1
- 1
[ywq] Shorten right serif of 16F31
#40 opened by kienwt - 2
Add [ywq] glyph variant for 16F2F
#39 opened by kienwt - 1
Add .visible versions of tone marks
#45 opened by jvgaultney