
Html,CSS,JS Online Editor

Primary LanguageHTML

So this project is happened because i was watching a youtube video where i saw an AirBnb employee got her internship because she made an ide with all the account creation and terminal and local disk access. yes that's great but i thought why not make a simple ide/editor which will open up without anything to do, i mean any account creation or logging in

there was a syntax highlight problem, you know every bracket and

<title>Page Title</title> <script src="main.js"></script> stuffs so i found an open source project which is called ACE cdn, where cdn means content delivery network

image 1

image 2

image 3


Copyright 2018 Chayan Datta

from: https://help.github.com/articles/licensing-a-repository/
This Project Doesn't have any Open source License so
without a Open source license, the default copyright laws apply, meaning that you(me) retain all rights 
to your(this) source code and no one may reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works from 
your(this) work.

See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

But if you want to work on this, you can just simply ask.

Added features like save and clear button

Step By Step process

this is the first page you'll see

step 1

Now Read this alert and click this cross(x) button to close this msg

step 2

No more alerts

step 3

Now Write whatever you want

step 4

go for the clear button

step 5

All cleared

step 6

go for the save button

step 7

you'll get a nice msg saying to save as .html

step 8

You'll see a file downloaded like this

Don't worry it's not a virus

step 9

Show in folder

step 10

Rename the file

step 11

Add .html after your file name

step 12


step 13

Open like any html files

Or open it using any editor