
Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

ansible magento

Install/configure magento in different versions (including optional installation of patches). Allows to configure extensions to be managed with modman.


  • magento_version: magento version to install (string, default:
  • magento_root: Configure magento root directory (string, default: /var/www/magento)
  • magento_bin_dir: Directory to save binary-files like install-script (string, default: /root/bin)
  • magento_webuser: Service user to run magento with (string, default: www-data)
  • magento_webgroup: Service group for the magento_webuser service user (string, default: www-data)
  • magento_download: Whether to download magento (boolean, default: true)
  • magento_download_host: Mirror URI where to download magento from when magento_download is true (string, default: http://www.magentocommerce.com/downloads/assets/{{ magento_version }})
  • magento_download_package: Package name for the magento redistributable archive (string, default: magento-{{ magento_version }}.tar.gz)
  • magento_download_url: Full Download-Url (string, default: {{ magento_download_host }}/{{ magento_download_package }})
  • magento_install: Whether to install magento even if app/etc/local.xml does not exist (boolean, default: false)
  • magento_archive_subdir: Allows to configure a known base directory name within the redistributable archive (string, default: magento)
  • magento_permissions_list: Allows to configure access controls for magento internal directory structure (dict, default: [])
  • magento_config: Configure magento (dict, default: see below)
  • magento_patch_files: Configure list of patches to apply into magento (list, default: [])
  • magento_manage_magento: If you only want to manage modman extensions set this to false and all the magento-suff will not run (boolean, default: true)
  • magento_modman: Wether to install modman into magento (boolean, default: true)
  • magento_modman_bin_dir: Directory where to install modman to (string, default: magento_bin_dir)
  • magento_modman_extensions_git: List of extensions to be installed/managed with modman from Git resources (dict, default: [])
  • magento_modman_extensions_other List of non-git extensions to be managed with modman (dict, default: [])


Allows to configure access crontrols for magento internal directory structure.

  - mode: "2771"
    type: "d"
  - mode: "0644"
    type: "f"


Configure magento installation with the following defaults:

magento_config: []
   license_agreement_accepted: "yes"
   locale: "de_DE"
   timezone: "Europe/Berlin"
   default_currency: "EUR"
   db_host: "localhost"
   db_name: "magento"
   db_user: "magento"
   db_pass: "magento"
   url: "http://localhost:8080/"
   use_rewrites: "yes"
   use_secure: "yes"
   secure_base_url: "https://localhost:8080"
   use_secure_admin: "yes"
   admin_firstname: "Magento"
   admin_lastname: "Admin"
   admin_email: "magento@test.de"
   admin_username: "admin"
   admin_password: "magento12"
   skip_url_validation: "no"

NOTE: Configure magento_config.skip_url_validation to true if you install nginx as web server.

Example (configure database and disable ssl for admin panel):

magento_config: []
   db_host: "localhost"
   db_name: "test"
   db_user: "testuser"
   db_pass: "password"
   url: "http://magento-local.de/"
   use_secure: "no"
   secure_base_url: ""
   use_secure_admin: "no"
   skip_url_validation: "yes"


Configure list of patches to apply into magento, e.g. install magento-patch for php5.4 in magento version

  - url: "http://www.magentocommerce.com/downloads/assets/ce_patches/PATCH_SUPEE-2629_EE_1.12.0.0_v1.sh"


List of extensions witch will be cloned from git and linked into magento with modman.

Required Variables in list:


Optional variables (defaults)

version: "HEAD"
remote: "origin"
key_file: None
ssh_opts: None
accept_hostkey: "no"
bare: "no"
depth: 0
executable: ""
reference: ""
gitupdate: "yes"
force: "yes"


  - repo: https://github.com/path/to/repo.git
    name: "repo"
    dest: /var/www/extensions
  - repo: https://github.com/path/to/repo2.git
    name: "repo2"
    dest: /var/www/extensions
    remote: test
    force: no


List of non-git extensions for modman to link.

Required Variables in list:



  - dest: /var/www/extensions/extension
  - dest: /var/www/extensions/extension2


Soft dependencies

See magento system requirements: http://magento.com/resources/system-requirements

Hard dependencies

This role depends on silpion.lib role. This is configured for ansible-galaxy install in requirements.yml.

NOTE: Check lib configuration Variables to configure privilege escalation, download/upload -path etc.

NOTE: Requirements are installed as virtual user silpion (silpion.lib).

Be sure to install required roles with

ansible-galaxy install --role-file requirements.yml


Apache Version 2.0

Author Information

Anja Siek @anja.siek silpion.de