
My Mac OS X scripts for different needs (may need some of my Mac OS X command line utils)

Primary LanguageShell

macscripts - my collection of useful OS X shell scripts

When I come to a problem that can be solved with shell scripting, I put a solution here. Feel free to fork and modify my code.

Some explanations

.gitconfig - my config for git. All my favorite aliases live here.

.profile - bash profile, common defines, functions, etc, for bash. I use zsh for now, but I really call this file from .zshrc.

.zshrc - zsh settings.

build_gcc.sh - script for building gcc 4.7 for OS X.

convert_video_4_ios.sh - script for converting any video to iOS-compatible format (mpeg4/aac). This script uses ffmpeg for real work. As an arguments, pass list of files to convert (for example, ./convert_video_4_ios.sh *.avi). Resulting filenames are the same as in input, but with .mp4 extension.

duit.sh - a wrapper for du which outputs results in a human-readable format and sorted by size.

togif.sh - a wrapper for ffmpeg and ImageMagic's convert which converts any video file to gif format. Quality is bad so it needs some optimization.

gitcb.sh - when called from git repository, outputs current branch name. If you are in detached head state, it outputs empty string.

gpull.sh - alias for git pull origin $@.

gpullcb.sh - alias for gpull.sh $(gitcb.sh).

gpush.sh - alias for git push origin $@.

gpushcb.sh - alias for gpush.sh $(gitcb.sh).

installable.sh - exports list of scripts to be installed in /usr/local/bin.

installscripts.sh - installs some scripts in /usr/local/bin (as symlinks without .sh)

make_dmg.sh - highly customizable utility for creating .dmg image from an application. See http://habrahabr.ru/post/152677/ for more information (in russian) or use make_dmg.sh -h for short help message.

openrandom.sh - opens random file from current directory (recursive) with open command. This script uses my randstr command line tool.

svn-changes.sh - script for creating html report from svn diff. Uses diff2html.py.

svn-log.sh - simple tool for browsing svn log.

Really, I don't use svn anymore, so these scripts are subject to remove.

toggle_finder_show_hidden.sh - toggles OS X Finder's "show hidden files" option.

uninstallscripts.sh - removes all scripts installed by installscripts.sh.