
Fast Fuzzy String matching dictionary. Based on Simple and Efficient Algorithm for Approximate Dictionary Matching by Naoaki Okazaki and Jun’ichi Tsujii [1].


    val fuzzyHash = FuzzyMap(List( ("Barack Obama", "ID1"),
                                   ("Barack O", "ID2"),
                                   ("Barack", "ID3"),
                                    ("Washington", "ID4")))

    fuzzyHash.get("Barack", 1.0, Cosine)
    // Some(List("ID3"))
    fuzzyHash.get("Barack", 0.5, Cosine)
    // Some(List("ID3", "ID2", "ID1"))

    fuzzyHash.getMatches("Barack", 0.5, Cosine)
    // Some(List(("Barack", "ID3"), ("Barack O", "ID2"), ("Barack Obama", "ID1")))
  • Fuzzy Matches:
    • Cosine
    • Dice (soon)
    • Jaccard (soon)

When to Use?

Finding fuzzy matches among the items in the hash is very fast. This is useful in scenarios when you have a massive number of Strings which you want to constantly query using Fuzzy Search.

[1] http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/C10-1096