
annotation labelling tool for unity

Primary LanguageShaderLab

Unity Annotation Label Maker

annotation labelling tool for unity

Project Description

Unity Version: 2018.3.0f2

Last Update: 03/18/2020

The Tool is made for artist/developer to quickly add annotation label onto a 3D object.

Getting started

Setting up

  1. Open project, import the 3D object into a scene and adjust the object size.
  2. Select the object -> Add Component -> Add "Label Script"
  3. After Adding the script, now when you select the object, following UI will pop up on Scene view.

Add new label

  1. Adjust the scene, so that the area where the label needs to be placed can be seen in the scene view.

  2. Click on Add new Label to add label.

  3. A window will pop up asking for the label name, label name will displayed on the object after created, so it cannot be empty

  4. Click on OK button when the label name is entered

  5. Click on the area where the label needs to be placed

  6. Label is created automatically

Number on the label dot increment automatically

Making Changes

Deleting label

click deleting last label button to delete last added label

change size of labels

change value of indicator line width to change width of the indicator line change value of Dot Size multiplier to change the label dot size change value of Text window Size multiplier to change the size of text window which displays the label name

Show All label Text

if show All label Text is checked, label names will be displayed, otherwise, they will be hidden

Change position of labels and label text

There are two ways of changing position of labels:

  1. select label object under the 3d object, select "TextWindow" or "LabelDotBackground" in the children and move them directly
  2. Or select the 3d object, on the Inspector window, the label script list out all the labels and the location of label dot and text, make change to the number directly to change their position

Access value through Script

To turn on or off all label text use following code object.GetComonent<LabelScript>().showAllLabelText(bool onOrOff)

To turn on or off label text of specific label text use following code labelObject.GetComponent<LabelTextManager>().toggleText() or labelObject.GetComponent<LabelTextManager>().showText(bool onOrOff)

Other Functionalities

The label will always facing main camera, indicator line will automatically connect between label dot and text.


If error occurs, try remove all labels and reset the label script component.

Additional Info

For questions/suggestions, please contact me at silver.xu@Outlook.com.

Hope this is helpful!