Convert TMC identification and reading files to GMNS node and link files, and perform QVDF estimation

Primary LanguageC++


TMC2GMNS aims to create a node-link network based on file TMC_Identification.csv, and then identify critical bottleneck statistics, such as cut-off speed, congestion duration, the D/C ratio in the queued VDF function, according to the speed data in reading.csv.

The node and link csv files can be visualized easily using QGIS.

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The user can run the executable of tmc2gmns.exe to generate link_cbi_summary.csv file.

The user can use link_cbi_summary.csv to generate speed heatmaps for both observed and modeled values for each hour or 15 min. The output sequence of links in link_cbi_summary.csv is based on fields tmc_corridor_id and road_sequence input in TMC_Identification.csv.

Example output:

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Where VMT: Vehicle miles travelled

VHT: Vehicle hours travelled

VDT: total vehicle delay travelled, delay = travel time – free flow travel time

(VHT = VDT+VFFTT = VDT + VMT/free speed)

VCDT: total vehicle “congestion” delay travelled: travel time – travel time at capacity

Travel time at capacity = length / speed at capacity.

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Where MAE: Mean Absolute Error,

MAE= |Model speed – observed speed|

MAPE: Mean Absolute Percentage Error,

MAPE= |Model speed – Observed speed|/observed speed

RMSE: Root-Mean Squared Error

RMSE= Average((Model speed – Observed speed)^2)^0.5

Sample of observed and simulated speed profiles

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A future version will enable sensitivity analysis for generating estimated congestion duration based on change in the D/C ratio.

Detailed Description

Input: Reading.csv, TMC_Identification.csv

field definitions in Reading.csv

Field name Read by tmc2gmsn Description Sample values
tmc_code yes TMC identification number of the link 115N04140
measurement_tstamp yes, pls follow the ISO 8601 format 2022-05-23T13:18:34 Time stamp of the observed data 2019/1/1 6:00:00
speed Yes Observed speed 66
average_speed No Observed average speed 66
reference_speed No Unknown 69
travel_time_seconds No Travel time of the TMC link (time unit: seconds) 58.79
confidence_score No Confden 20
cvalue No Confidence level range 100

field definitions in TMC_Identification.csv

Field name Description Sample values
Tmc TMC identification number of the link 115N04140
Road The corridor where the TMC link locates AZ-101-LOOP
Direction The direction of the TMC link EASTBOUND
Intersection Observed average speed on the TMC link I-17/EXIT 23
State The state where the TMC link locates AZ
County The county where the TMC link locates MARICOPA
Zip zip code 85027
start_latitude The latitude of the origin node 33.66864
start_longitude The longitude of the origin node -112.11639
end_latitude The latitude of the destination node 33.66952
end_longitude The longitude of the destination node -112.09772
miles The distance of the TMC link (time unit: miles) 1.077861
road_order The order of the TMC link in its corridor 14
timezone_name The timezone where the TMC link locates America/Phoenix
type Unknown P1.11
country The country where the TMC link locates USA
active_start_date Starting date of TMC activation 2018-12-03 12:00:00-05:00
active_end_date Ending date of TMC activation 2019-04-16 17:00:00-04:00

Output: node.csv, link.csv, link_cbi_summary.csv, link_qvdf.csv

Field definitions in node.csv

Field name Description Sample values
node_id Identification number of the node 1
node_no 0
layer_no 0
MRM_gate_flag default value:-1
node_type Node type code
is_boundary Identification flag of the boundary node 0
#_of_outgoing_nodes The number of outgoing nodes from the node 6
activity_node_flag Identification flag of the activity node 0
agent_type Agent type code
zone_id Identification number of the zone where the node locates default value:-1
cell_code Identification number of the cell node
info_zone_flag Identification flag of the zone information 0
x_coord Longitude coordinate -112.11639
y_coord Latitude coordinate 33.66864

Field definitions in link.csv

Field name Description Sample values
link_id Identification number of the node 115N04140
link_no Unknown 0
layer_no Unknown 0
from_node_id Unknown 1
to_node_id Node type code 2
from_gate_flag Identification flag of the boundary node default value:-1
to_gate_flag The number of outgoing nodes from the node default value:-1
link_type Identification flag of the activity node 2
link_type_name Agent type code
lanes Identification number of the zone where the node locates default value:0
link_distance_VDF Identification number of the cell node 1.077861
free_speed Identification flag of the zone information 100
cutoff_speed Longitude coordinate 100
fftt Latitude coordinate 1.077861
capacity The value of ultimate capacity 1800
allow_uses Allowed uses of the link
BPR_plf The value of peak load factor (plf) in classical BPR function 1
BPR_alpha The value of alpha in classical BPR function default value: 0.15
BPR_beta The value of alpha in classical BPR function default value: 4
QVDF_qdf The value of queue demand factor (qdf) in QVDF function default value: -1
QVDF_alpha The value of alpha in QVDF function 0.272877
QVDF_beta The value of beta in QVDF function 4
QVDF_cd The value of a coefficient in QVDF function 0.954946
QVDF_n The value of oversaturation-to-duration elasticity in QVDF function 1.141574
geometry Geometry LINESTRING (-112.116390 33.668640,-112.097720 33.669520)

Description of calibration process

Calibration of Fundamental Diagram and DTA queue model

(1) Calibration of Fundamental Diagram

Input: observed speed and observed volume (time is in 5-min time interval)

Output: ultimate capacity , critical density , critical speed and shape parameter

(2) Calibration of DTA queue model

Input: critical speed ; observed speed



a. Determine the start and end time of congestion period for each link, denoted as and , respectively depending on time dependent speed and critical speed. We derive and for each link on each assignment period (AM, MD, PM) based on average weekeday.

b. Calculate congestion duration for each link for each assignment period (AM, MD, PM)

c. Calculate derived link volume through calibrated S3 model

d. Calculate congested demand

e. Calculate queue demand factor for each link based on = D/V.

Derive link volume

Method 1: Adjust link volume through ODME and derive new link volume as

Method 2: Use calibrated S3 model to derive volume

Comparison between estimated and observed speed


derived link volume ; queue demand factor

Output: estimated speed; MAE; MAPE

a. Calculate queue demand factor

b. Calculate queued demand

c. Calibrate

d. Calculate through

e. Calculate through

f. Calculate estimated speed

g. Calculate MAE and MAPE

Future year scenario analysis


a. Implement static traffic assignment (using future year OD as ) and derive assigned link volume

b. Calculate future year congestion demand

c. Calculate congestion period

d.-g. Follow the same steps as above in Section 3


The mapping from TMC locations to the planning network requires another tool of map matching4GMNS to systematically distinguish general purpose lanes and toll lanes.

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Diagram, map Description automatically generated

In the illustrative example below, we show how to verify the correct mapping based on the path length of the corridor in both planning network and TMC network.

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