GCC 8.3.0
Contains the following libraries
- glibc-2.11.1
- openssl-1.1.1h
- protobuf-cpp-3.14.0
- udev-168 (Matches version on Mazda CMU)
- libusb-1.0.15 (Matches version on V70 Mazda CMU)
- glib-2.22.1 (Matches version on Mazda CMU)
- expat-2.2.10 (dbus dependency)
- dbus-1.6.30
- libdbus-c++-0.9.0
- libunwind-1.5.0
- alsa-lib-1.2.4
- libxml2-sources-2.9.9 (gstreamer dependency)
- gstreamer-0.10.35 (Matches version on Mazda CMU)
- gst-plugins-base-0.10.35 (Matches version on Mazda CMU)
Included, but not currently used by headunit
- asio-1.18.0
- boost_1_74_0
- libsigc++-2.10.4
- dbus-cxx-0.12.0
Modified crosstool-ng to support building with ancient glibc https://github.com/silverchris/crosstool-ng/tree/mazda3