Retrieve Recently Played Tracks from Spotify with a Google Cloud Function and save them to a mongoDB database
The code on this repo uses the authorization code flow from spotify to retrieve the recently played track from spotify and refresh an already generated token. *Note The function should run with a cron job at least every hour before the authorization expires.
To understand how the authorization flow works follow the guide :
You can use the following CURL calls to:
Generate a token [1]:
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id={client_id}&client_secret={client_secret}"
Validate User with web browser [2]: Open your browser to this address
"{your client_id}&scope=user-read-recently-played&redirect_uri={stored redirect uri from your api dashboard}"
this will navigate to spotify to validate your user and then redirect to the website you added to the lists of redirec uris with a code attached to the url example: http://localhost:8080/code=AQAEDnSU3u03iBdO..nOyyZcS use the code for the last step
Authenticate a token [3]:
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d "grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri={url to redirect saved from your api dashboard}&code={code from last step}"\
-H "Authorization: {your client_id + ':' + client_secret encoded to base64}"
Store Initial credentials to MONGO DB collection [4]:
On your MongoDB create a collection Named Spotify and add a new document with the fields:
settings : "auth"
access_token : "{generated access token from step 1}"
refresh_token : "{generated access token from step 3}"
Create a file at the root of the project with the name .env.yaml with the following variables:
_DB_STRING Is your connection string to a mongo database _DB_NAME Is the name of your database _SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID Is the client id for your spotify api you can obtain it on the settings option of the api dashboard follow the link : _SPOTIFY_SECRET Is your client_id + ':' + client_secret encoded to base64
make install
This will install the project requiered packages into your computer.
make dev
This will watch the project directory and restart as necessary. Navigate to localhost:8080/ to launch the GCP function locally.
Is required to have a GCP account and the Google Cloud CLI
*Note add the name of your GCP project to the makefile line 1
make deploy
This will deploy your function to GCP once finished follow the links on console or visit