Ansible role to create AWS EC2 instances.
It adds allrunning instances with a matching Name & CostCenter tag to the inventory group ec2_pets. It also registers some variables such as volume and package installation information so it's available inside the instance during the play.
cat vars/myvars.yaml
EnvironmentClass: "dev"
CostCenter: "12345"
Application: "cylon_laser"
OwnerEmail: ""
ApplicationTier: "app"
PrivateSubnet1B: subnet-12345678 # prod
PrivateSubnet1C: subnet-12345679 # prod
vpc_id: vpc-12345678 # prod
AWSRegion: eu-west-1
group-apptier01-env: # This will be the server name tag
description: "App Tier server for {{ Application }}"
ssh_key: "my-ssh-key-dev"
instance_type: t2.micro
instance_ami: ami-e365fd9a
limits: # Add limits.conf / limits.d
domain: "@groupname"
limit_item: "nofile"
limit_type: "-"
value: "65536"
dest: "/etc/security/limits.d/99-application.conf"
security_groups: ['groupname_appname_env_sg']
- device_name: /dev/xvdb
volume_type: gp2
volume_size: 20
mount_point: /usr/sap
fstype: xfs
encrypt: "yes"
resizefs: yes
monitoring: "yes"
termination_protection: "no"
wait: "yes"
vpc_subnet_id: "{{ PrivateSubnet1A }}"
- sudo
- "@base" # Package group
cat playbook.yaml
# This Ansible playbook creates a number AWS instances to be used as server pets.
# This module requires that the boto python library is installed, and that Ansible can use awscli.
# You'll also need python boto3 & botocore ("pip install boto3 --user")
- name: "provision EC2 server pets"
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: false
- name: "Include global application variables"
include_vars: "vars/myvars.yaml"
- ec2_instances
- { role: ec2-groups, tags: ["ec2_groups"] }
- { role: ec2-instance, tags: ["ec2_instances"] }
- name: Configure provisioned instances (dynamically added by ec2-instance role)
hosts: ec2_pets
become: yes
gather_facts: true
- name: "Include global application variables"
include_vars: "vars/myvars.yaml"
- ec2_instances
- { role: yum_packages, tags: ["ec2_groups"] } # Installs packages in yum_packages
- { role: block_filesystems, tags: ["block_filesystems"], mntpoint_mode: 0755 } # Expects volumes as defined in vars