
Exposes a prometheus exporter endpoint for scraping environmental Temperature, Humidity, Pressure and Altitude from a BME280 sensor. UPDATE: I no longer have the required sensor to maintain this project, and don't have an immediate need for it. So it is not maintained / updated at the moment. This may change in the future.

Primary LanguageC++

ESP32 (Espressif) Prometheus Exporter for BME280 environmental Sensors

Exposes a prometheus exporter endpoint for scraping environmental Temperature, Humidity, Pressure and Altitude from a BME280 sensor. The ESP32 device acts as a HTTP Server on port 80, and prometheus scrape the metrics into the time series database.


  1. Configure ssid and password for wifi network within src/main.cpp
  2. Configure place name
  3. Build
  4. hit /metrics endpoint for reading temperature (C), temperature (F), device resolution, and device count:
❯ curl

# HELP temperature_celcius Current temperature in celcius
temperature_celcius{place="myplace"} 20.91
# HELP humidity_percentage Current humidity in Percent
humidity_percentage{place="myplace"} 38.67
# HELP pressure_hpa Current pressure in hPa
pressure_hpa{place="myplace"} 1005.25
# HELP altitude_meter Current altitude in meter
altitude_meter{place="myplace"} 66.81
[tekzn7@fedora esp32_prometheus_exporter_BME

Hardware wiring

Hardware wiring Actual setup


  1. Install pio
pip install -U platformio
pio run                 # Build
pio run --target upload # Upload firmware

Configure Prometheus

Take note of the hostname/IP. The IP is printed in the serial console. Configure prometheus.yml:

  # The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
  - job_name: 'myplace-metrics'
    metrics_path: '/metrics'
    scrape_interval: 10s
      - targets: ['my_ip_or_hostname:80']

Grafana dashboard