cf Lab 27 - Angular Routing

To Submit this Assignment

  • create a fork of this repository
  • push to your repository
  • submit a pull request to this repository
  • submit a link to your PR in canvas
  • write a question and observation on canvas


  • .eslintrc
  • .babelrc
  • .gitignore
  • package.json
    • create an npm build script for running webpack
    • create an npm build-watch script for running webpack-dev-server --inline --hot
    • create an npm test script for running karma and all associated tests
    • create an npm test-watch script for running karma on file system changes
    • create an npm lint script for linting your JS with eslint
  • ignore the build directory
  • webpack.config.js
    • this should include all of the production environment configurations used in lecture code
  • karma.config.js


  • Create these directories to organize your code:
    • app
    • app/config
    • app/view
    • app/view/<your-views-dir>
    • app/scss
  • Include a main.scss file
    • add a layer of "lo-fi" styling - only use the following colors: #fff, #000, #444, #888
  • Include an entry.js file
    • use require.context to add all of your angular construct definitions


  • Create three views /#/home, /#/signup/, /#/gallery
    • each view should have a controller
    • each controller should have a title property
    • each view should have a template
    • the template should use an angular expression to set the content of an <h1> to its controllers title property
    • each view should include a .scss file


  • Write a test to ensure that the title property is set for each controller
    • /test/home-controller-test.js
    • /test/gallery-controller-test.js
    • /test/signup-controller-test.js