A file converter for converting Zephyr for Jira Server/DC or Xray XML files to the Zephyr Scale XML file format. After the conversion, the resulting file can be imported to Zephyr Scale.


  • NodeJs 14.x

How to use

  1. Export a XML file from Jira with Zephyr/Xray test cases. It should be one file per project, since the test case import in Zephyr Scale is by project.

  2. Move the exported XML files to the folder input. Files with names starting with . or ~$ will be ignored.

  3. Configure settings on file settings.json:

  • preconditionCustomFieldId: maps a Jira custom field ID to the default Zephyr Scale field precondition.
  • plainTextTestScriptFieldId: maps a Jira custom field ID to a plain text test script. This will ignore the standard Zephyr/XRay test steps.
  • owner: maps the Jira issue assignee or reporter fields to owner. The only accepted values are assignee or reporter. If the owner is set, then the jiraServerSettings configuration is also required to establish a connection with the Jira Server/DC REST API to convert the usernames into user keys.
  • priority: maps Jira priority values to Zephyr Scale values (High, Normal, Low).
  • convertWikiMarkup: set option to convert test case steps from wiki markup format to html. This is needed for some versions of Zephyr, which will export test case steps using wiki markup format.
  • decodeIssueDescription: set option to decode issues description, for when Jira exports this field html encoded.
  • jiraServerSettings: sets credential information to allows this file converter to connect to Jira Server/DC REST API. This is required if the owner setting is configured.


	"mappings": {
		"preconditionCustomFieldId": "10100",
		"plainTextTestScriptFieldId": "10200",
		"owner": "assignee" // or it could be "reporter",
		"priority": {
			"MyCustomPriority": "High",
			"MyOtherCustomPriority": "Normal",
			"Another": "Low",
			"Last": "Low"
	"convertWikiMarkup": true,
	"decodeIssueDescription": true,
	"jiraServerSettings": {
		"url": "", // or it could be "", for example
		"user": "myUser",
		"password": "myPassord"

If you don't want to map anything, please leave the fields empty or with default values. This should work for most scenarios:

	"mappings": {
		"preconditionCustomFieldId": "",
		"plainTextTestScriptFieldId": "",
		"owner": "",
		"priority": {}
	"convertWikiMarkup": false,
	"decodeIssueDescription": true,
	"jiraServerSettings": {
		"url": "",
		"user": "",
		"password": ""
  1. Open a terminal window, and navigate to the directory where the repository has been cloned to: cd <zephyr-scale-file-converter-dir>.

  2. Install the Javascript dependencies by executing: npm install.

  3. Run the conversion by executing: npm start.

  4. Check the converted files on folder output/.

  5. Import each converted file in Zephyr Scale using the default import option "Test Management for Jira".