
NextJS + Silverstripe proof of concept

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Silverstripe NextJS Frontend PoC

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Set up backend

This PoC requires a Silverstripe CMS installation with a certain GraphQL endpoint configuration. There's a separate Backend PoC for this purpose. The easiest way to get it going is through Lando.

git clone https://github.com/silverstripe/nextjs-poc-backend
cd nextjs-poc-backend
cp .env.example .env
lando start
lando sake dev/build

You can now navigate the CMS at https://nextjs-poc-back.lndo.site/admin, and try out GraphQL queries at https://nextjs-poc-back.lndo.site/dev/graphql/ide.

Set up frontend

Install NPM dependencies, and add default config:

cp .env.example .env.local

If you haven't used Lando with the default host names, configure GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT_URL in .env.local.

Now run the development server:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying pages/[[...slug]].js. The page auto-updates as you edit the file. The GraphQL queries are in lib/silverstripe.js. You can see them in the console output by default (due to DEBUG=1 in .env.local)

Generating test data

In order to create some test data to play with, you can use the silverstripe/frameworktest module. It generates 2000 pages by default, with between one and ten blocks on each page. In order to have some images to randomly associate with those blocks, we also generate some files and images first.

Caution: These tasks will take a few minutes to run.

cd nextjs-poc-backend
lando sake dev/tasks/FTFileMakerTask
lando sake dev/tasks/FTPageMakerTask withBlocks=1

Serverless Deployment on AWS

  1. Install the Serverless framework
npm install -g serverless
  1. Follow the serverless-next instructions to configure your AWS credentials. When using this with a Silverstripe Ltd. AWS account, you should use aws-vault instead of setting your AWS credentials in an environment config.

  2. Adjust the namespace in serverless.yml (replace my-namespace)

  3. Adjust the CMS backend host name in input.build.env in serverless.yml. If you're using the local Lando setup, you can use an ngrok tunnel based on the local port mapping: ngrok http 123456. The local port mapping is different for every Lando setup, use lando info to find the right port.

  4. Deploy!


For users of aws-vault, use the following instead:

aws-vault exec <my-aws-account> -- serverless

Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!