
EuroSMS PHP Class

Primary LanguagePHP



Helper class for EuroSMS gateway API


Simply download and add to your namespace or library folder. Open EuroSMS_Config.php and set config variables with data received from EuroSMS company


If you want to send message

   //EuroSMS instance
   $sms = new EuroSMS();
   //set phone number
   //set sender - who is sending sms
   $sms->setSender('Sender Foo);
   //set message
   $sms->setMessage('First SMS from EuroSMS gateway');  
    //send sms
   //status of sending
   echo $sms->getState();
   //ID of message, is recommended to store this for check later (see $sms->info() )
   echo $sms->getMessageID();

If you want to enable debug you can set it


If you want disable HTTPS


If you want to check info about SMS that you send (is sent, sending failed, etc...)

  $sms = new EuroSMS();