
Steal cpu share across cgroups to speed up container image pulling

Primary LanguageGo

Resource Stealing

After a pod is scheduled to a node, among many other routines going on, the container runtime downloads an image(s), decompress it, and set up the local filesystem. This takes time. Until the image gets pulled, the amount of CPU shares assigned to the pod won't be available to the pod.

The idea of cgroups resource stealing is simple: let's temporarily steal the cpu shares from the pod and reassign them to the container runtime so that it can leverage more cores when it couldn't do so otherwise.


If multiple containers are pending, the stealing can happen in batch.


After the images are pulled, the cpu shares should be returned to the pods in the amount they were stolen. An integration of resource stealing with kubelet can be found here.

Thanks Ed for the fun afternoon discussion about this in Soda. Beautiful time. Good, harmless coconut water. Tennis after. Who, unlike me, actually knows about container and actually knows about tennis. Though I always get beaten, even when there is a table for the tennis, I often miss the days.

More on speeding up container startup: Fast and Efficient Container Startup at the Edge via Dependency Scheduling, Silvery Fu, Radhika Mittal, Lei Zhang, Sylvia Ratnasamy, USENIX HotEdge 2020 [PDF] [Full version]